Welcome to our fabric pages!
Use the drop bar above or the buttons below to access the fabric pages for print, solid, and flannel fabrics.
Fabric Selection for Custom Clothing
Please choose 2-3 fabrics, listing by order of preference
(Example: Yellow #2, Pink #3, Blue #12)
Please choose 2-3 fabrics, listing by order of preference
(Example: Yellow #2, Pink #3, Blue #12)
Would you like to purchase fabric for your own projects?
Do you need to check a match?
Muslin Color Choices
Fabric Swatches
This is the perfect way to see the fabrics in person before purchasing a garment. Though, if you are like me, it just made my decision that much harder as I like too many of them. :)
I love being able to purchase my fabric direct from Gathering of Goods. I know the quality will be great and my orders are always packaged and shipped with careful attention to the details. I highly recommend anything from their shop.