Three years ago, after the fall of York, Sir Geoffrey Cusack disappeared. His family has been scattered among relatives, friends, and places of refuge. Now his enemies are determined to wipe his name and blood from the earth. His wife is powerless, his sons are in danger, and his daughter about to be married to a cruel knight many years older than her. Can a few old friends prevent their destruction?
AuthorSarah Brazytis - Christian, Historian, Author. In that order. Sarah’s quotes"Stefan!" shouted Casimir. "What are you doing, out in the rain with that girl? Madman!" As Stefan raised his head, Rozalia heard her aunt's bubbling laughter. "Not a madman, Cass - a lover!" "Same thing," said Casimir; but he put an arm around Anastasia where she stood holding the baby, and kissed her."— Sarah Brazytis Archives
December 2024
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